#15 – Intersectional Feminist Leadership: Berlin's Fashion Future | uns*, Platte.Berlin, Fatima Njoya

Show notes

We all have complex identities; your background, skin color, ability, wealth, education, gender, sexuality, and more interact to create your unique lived experience. This intermixing of different parts of our identities is what Kimberly Crenshaw first named ‘intersectionality’ in 1991, and the term grew to be a leading principle of Black Feminist Theory that has shaped global discourse on privilege, power, and social justice.

In this panel discussion on Berlin’s new wave of intersectional feminist leadership, we are joined by five people who are shaping the conversation on a local level, and advocating for a new status quo. Cora Hamilton and Max Weiland are the co-founders of uns, Germany’s first and only all-LGBTQIA+ talent agency. Sevil Uguz is the co-founder and CEO of Platte.Berlin, a store and community hub for Berlin fashion, where Axel Hahn leads Diversity Management & Representation. Fatima Njoya, a writer for Glamour, leads this interview between the two boundary-pushing Berlin initiatives, offering her insights on what intersectionality means in a local fashion context. Platte and uns also share their January 2023 collaborative project, DiverseIT, in which local designers paired with members of the queer community in a powerful example of fashion storytelling.

To learn more about our speakers, visit their website and follow them on social media: uns*: https://wirsinduns.com/, @wirsinduns Platte.Berlin: https://platte.berlin/en/, @platte.berlin Fatima Njoya: https://www.glamour.de/editor/fatima-njoya, @njoyalatte

Kimberle Crenshaw’s seminal text on intersectionality: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1229039

For more information about 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, including updates about our next edition, visit https://202030summit.com/, and follow us on social media @202030summit.

202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit is organized by studio MM04, in cooperation with the Beneficial Design Institute. Edition #5 was a Partner of Berlin Fashion Week, funded by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises Berlin in cooperation with Fashion Council Germany.

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