#12 – Regenerative Agriculture: What, Why and How to Scale It | Nicks Ericsson (UGG), Megan Meiklejohn (Land to Market)
Show notes
Picture it: wide open grasslands with healthy sheep, nutrient-rich soil, abundant biodiversity, and plenty of space to roam. Regenerative agriculture – and its connection to the fashion industry – sounded too utopic to be true as of ten years ago. But the shift is coming quickly, as major brands take the lead in future-minded land stewardship. This episode, we share two interviews that will bring you up to speed on everything ‘regenerative ag,’ and what it signals for farming and footwear.
First, we share an interview from Edition #6 of 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, with Nicks Ericsson of UGG and Megan Meiklejohn of Land to Market, a project by the non-profit The Savory Institute. Nicks and Megan converse with studio MM04’s Max Gilgenmann about how UGG is sourcing regeneratively farmed leather for its iconic boots and slippers, and how this interplays with product longevity, supply chain transparency and equity, and connecting the dots with the food industry. As our guests say, regeneratively farmed leather is better for both the farmers and for the land.
Second, Max invites Megan back into the studio for an even deeper dive into regenerative agriculture, from the biological and technical lens, to how it applies to the fashion market. She assures us that this is no pipe dream; the opportunities for scalability and implementation of regeneratively farmed leather, shearling, wool, and meat will result in healthy growth of both wildlife and businesses.
Check out UGG’s regenerative collection on their website: https://www.ugg.com/eu/de/de/regenerative/. And learn more about the work of Land to Market and The Savory Institute at https://www.landtomarket.com/ and https://savory.global/.
For more information about 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, including updates about our next edition, visit https://202030summit.com/, and follow us on social media @202030summit.
202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit is organized by studio MM04, in cooperation with the Beneficial Design Institute. It is a Partner of Berlin Fashion Week, funded by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises Berlin in cooperation with Fashion Council Germany. Press: MÜLLER PR & CONSULTING
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