#10 – A Plastic-Free Fashion Vision | Dr. Luke Haverhals (Natural Fiber Welding)
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Welcome to our first episode of Season 2! We kick things off by jumping right into the content of Edition #5 of 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, which took place 18-19/01/2023. In this episode, we share Dr. Luke Haverhals’ captivating Community Class, 'A Plastic Free Fashion Vision,' delivered on the morning of Day 2.
At this point, we’ve all heard about the evils of plastics. And yet, plastic materials occupy every corner of our lives. Why is it so hard to break away?
Luke – the founder and CEO of Natural Fiber Welding – is a chemist with a passionate vision of how to finally escape our planet’s plastic addiction, and offer a wholly healthy alternative. Spoiler: the answer is in plants! Luke lays out how the transition to regenerative agriculture can solve not only our fashion problems, but can also feed the world's population, and support a resilient, thriving economy.
Luke also reminds us, “You can’t have impact without scale.” Natural Fiber Welding’s game-changing approach has cracked the scalability problem, too, and we now stand poised on the brink of industry-wide transformation, from infrastructure, to climate impact, to humanitarian rights. The time is now – get onboard with this plastic-free fashion vision. For more information on the work that Natural Fiber Welding is doing, visit https://www.naturalfiberwelding.com/
As always, our hosts Max and Magdalena offer you their insights as a pairing for this pre-recorded segment.
For more information about 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, including updates about our next edition, visit https://202030summit.com/, and follow us on social media @202030summit.
202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit is organized by studio MM04, in cooperation with the Beneficial Design Institute. It is a Partner of Berlin Fashion Week, funded by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises Berlin in cooperation with Fashion Council Germany. Press: MÜLLER PR & CONSULTING
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