#09 – Berlin Fashion Week and the 202030 Summit in Review

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After another eventful Berlin Fashion Week, the organizers of 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit chat with Kay Plonka, a journalist and correspondent of Style in Progress, to reflect on Berlin’s fashion scene and last week’s events. Our city has a unique culture of fashion: it’s avant-garde, it’s young, and it’s rooted in a history of political activism. The city’s lively ecosystem of small-scale designers display a future-minded vision, incorporating innovation and metaverse fashion into the creative landscape. Sustainability proved to be a notably hot topic this season, referenced in almost every local designer’s presence at Berlin Fashion Week. This movement is now an integrated part of the city’s fashion journey, and a permanent part of the wider conversation.

202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit returned for Edition #5, “Active Alliance for Positive Fashion,” once again leading the movement towards sustainability in fashion. We saw that this latest edition drew crowds of students alongside industry professionals, signalling the next generation’s investment in transforming the industry. This edition was the greatest success yet, bringing together an international community, including Dr. Luke Haverhals of Natural Fiber Welding, Hasna Kourda of Save Your Wardrobe, Nicks Ericsson of UGG and Megan Meiklejohn of Land to Market, among many others.

Thanks for tuning in for Season 1 of the 202030 Podcast! We’ll return in two weeks with the launch of Season 2, sharing the incredible input from Edition #5 of the 202030 Summit.

For more information about 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit, including updates about our next edition, visit https://202030summit.com/, and follow us on social media @202030summit.

202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit is organized by studio MM04, in cooperation with the Beneficial Design Institute. It is a Partner of Berlin Fashion Week, funded by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises Berlin in cooperation with Fashion Council Germany. Press: MÜLLER PR & CONSULTING

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