#00 - Welcome to the 202030 Podcast

Show notes

The podcast hosts, Max and Magdalena, kick off the series and paint a picture of what to expect as we travel back to the content from Edition #4 of 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit. How do we define sustainability, circularity, regenerativity, and positive impact? What defines a sustainable product?

The roster of speakers presents regenerativity in fashion as a holistic puzzle, which includes the environment, technology, culture, data usage, business models, and the horizons in the metaverse. Young innovators and seasoned experts alike give their input on how fashion can make a positive impact on people and the planet alike. The United Nations defines 2020 to 2030 as the Decade of Action, the time in which we all must meet critical environmental and climate change goals to ensure a healthy and viable future, and 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit creates an assembly to discuss our next steps forward. Tune in to this podcast every two weeks, so that even if you missed the summit, you can learn from this bold community of change-makers.

Organized by studio MM04, in cooperation with Sqetch and The Benefical Design Institute. Partner of Berlin Fashion Week, funded by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises Berlin. Press: Müller PR & Consulting

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